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Korea Ecoomic Daily TV


“ Dirty Money Clean Money”(Korea Economic Daily TV)

 I have one more thing to report to you! It’s the subject of hygiene and health.

People get the germs or bacteria passing from person to person whenever they transact, so they can cause diseases.

Here is an expert’s comment!

Interview> Prof. Byung Jun Go, Korea University Medical School

“According to a foreign research, parasite or parasitic eggs were detected in roughly 60% of bills. And another study reports that bacteria were found in roughly 88% of bills. So, there is a possibility of seriously threatened health due to contaminated bills.

" You have just heard comment of a doctor...To report the result of study in detail... An interesting result of study on the bills were published last year.

All tests were performed in Middle East countries. First, a test for restaurant owners in Alexandria, Egypt showed that more than one parasite in 60% of bills and 57% of coins were detected, and showed the higher detection rate in case of dirty money.

Secondly, a test in Saudi Arabia showed that more than 2 bacteria was cultivated in 88% of bills, and the rate of detection was more serious as the bills were circulated by more people.

To summarize above, money acts as potential vehicle transmitting germs because it is contaminated with germs or parasites, and the degree of contamination is more serious as money is circulated by more people